Welcome to the WikiWiki Solar - Custom Quote Design Tool!
This page is designed to seamlessly guide you through the solar design process.
By completing our questionnaire you'll help our professional solar energy team custom tailor a solar PV/Battery system that perfectly fits your unique property and energy needs. For example, how much energy do you use in the evening hours vs. daytime hours? Could you benefit from products that conserve energy vs. installing a larger PV system? Since battery storage systems are often required, how much energy needs to be stored? With a proper understanding of how you use electricity and when, WikiWiki Solar will design the optimal solar energy solution that best fits your energy wants and needs. This form will also help us determine how the Federal and State Tax credits (up to 65% of system cost) can be utilized to off-set the system cost, helping to maximize your ROI. Financial questions will help determine the cost and benefits of financing. If you’re ready to take the first step towards a sustainable and cost-effective solar energy system, please fill out our questionnaire and let WikiWiki Solar empower you with a tailor-made solar solution.